Interview with interim manager: who sees the big picture and is capable of bringing to life all opportunities
Interim sales manager Argo Sildvee believes that a successful interim has to enjoy the work with people and to manage to perceive the bigger picture. These skills are fundamental. Reaching out to Argo we have tried to find out if it is true that every situation or circumstance hides an opportunity that may benefit our…
Key Principle of a Leader #49: You take a job that suits you, you leave if the leader doesn’t
Who among us hasn’t experienced the excitement of going to a new job – the desire to do one’s utmost, to enthusiastically apply one’s skills and learn new ones. For their entire probationary period, a new employee has a minor case of “stage fright” in the new environment and a major desire to prove their…
Key Principle of a Leader #47: Direction requires clarity and justification
The decisions made and actions taken by a manager must be comprehensible to team members as well as to partners and customers. The message and values mustn’t change depending on the situation and the person he’s dealing with!
Key Principle of a Leader #46: The sales pitch starts when client says no
Selling is like art and it starts by offering the customer value added to increase the customer’s satisfaction. Imagine a situation where the customer brings the goods he’s picked out up to the counter: The salesperson rings up the purchase, issues the receipt and reels off some words of thanks for the purchase.
Key Principle of a Leader #33: I will try to be the best
You can become a professional in your field if you enjoy what you do. Those who know what they want and what they really like are the fortunate ones.
Key Principle of a Leader #32: Cancel all unnecessary meetings
Have a meeting when you need to get some clarity on the activity or goal. But the more meetings, the less clarity and time you have to get to goals. View all the the key principles of a leader from our blog.
Key Principle of a Leader #29: Trusting and delegating are essential
If we want our customers and partners to trust us, we have to trust our own people and company at least just as much. No organization is able to get around dividing roles and responsibility, not even the smallest organizations.
Key Principle of a Leader #28: Listening and understanding is harder than speaking
You learn from listening and you learn less when you’re talking. The greater your responsibility, the more people on your team, and the more you have to take them into consideration and listen to them.
Key Principle of a Leader #14: A leader is always a bit lonely
A manager might jokingly be compared to a meat patty in a hamburger – employees on one side and employees on the other. A manager is the link between the two sides, the translator of information and filter between them.
Key Principle of a Leader #7: I can be replaced
The company’s managers inevitably have much influence. Power can be intoxicating, however. Competence and decision-making power shouldn’t be concentrated in the hands of one person in the organization.
Äripäev: From time to time, every manager needs to be relieved
In every company, emergencies occur when a temporary external manager would be of help, says Martin Schneider, the CEO of interim agency Brainforce Group in Germany and Switzerland.